Blogging seems to be the newest thing to do, heck I'm fairly new at it myself. The first thing you need to do is pick a topic. Are you going to write a personal blog about your everyday thoughts and experiences? What about your favorite sport or hobby? Love dogs, cats, hamsters, fish? Have at it! You would be surprised on who would like to read what you have to say. There are many blog sites available that are free of charge, Blogger of course, which is really simple to use, and also Wordpress.
If you want to try and make some money off of your blog, then you have to be more choosy on who you decide to host your blog through. Blogger allows Google Adsense (you know those ads on the sides of every page) and allows you to be an affiliate of a company, such as Amazon. To learn more about being an affiliate, Google it or find the link on the website of the company you are interested in. Don't think you are going to make tons of money right off the bat though, because your not going to, it does take time.
Blogs are a fun way to express yourself, whatever your ideas and thoughts are. It actually gets quite addicting after awhile too! I enjoy writing, always have, but I could never write a book or anything, even though I would love to. This is my little way of writing my book, post by post instead of page by page.
So think of a clever name for your blog, choose your topic, and start posting. Send the link to your family and friends, add it to your Facebook and Twitter profiles and have fun!